
Penelitian Dosen

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Effect of Organizational Commitment and Work Discipline on Employee Performance Mediated by Transformational Leadership Style

  • Kategori : HAKI
  • Identitas : International Journal of Creative Research and Studies; Tanggal Terbit; 05 Mei 2021; Volume 5 Nomor 5; ISSN: 0249-4655 ; Link:
  • Abstrak :

    The purpose of this study is to analyze the effect of organizational commitment and work discipline on employee performance mediated by transformational leadership styles. The population in this study were employees of the Indonesian Coast Guard class III.a to IV.b with a population sample of 263 respondents. The research finding confirms that there is a positive and significant direct effect of organizational commitment on employee performance, however there is a stronger positive and significant indirect effect of organizational commitment on employee performance through transformational leadership style mediation. There is also a positive and significant direct effect of work discipline on employee performance, yet there is a stronger positive and significant indirect effect of organizational commitment on employee performance through transformational leadership style mediation. Transformational leadership style is proven to mediate by strengthening the influence of organizational commitment variables and work discipline on employee performance. The most dominant direct influence of variables on employee performance is the transformational leadership style when compared to organizational commitment and work discipline. Keywords: organizational commitment; work discipline; transformational leadership style; employee performance.
