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Penelitian Dosen
Penelitian atau Publikasi Karya Ilmiah Dosen

- Kategori : Jurnal Nasional
- Penulis : FAHMI KAMAL
- Identitas : Widya Cipta,Vol. V, No. 1 Maret 2013
- Abstrak :
In the era of globalization of human resources is one of the most important parts of the company or organization . Every company or organization must require competent human resources and qualified and meet the requirements demanded by the company or organization . PT Gelora is a growing company that needs a lot of human resources . So to get the employee - the employee is good quality it is necessary to fairly rigorous recruitment system in filtering and selecting prospective employees . Human resources are the most important element in an organization , this is because the labor is what determines the success of a company . Without the Human Resource activities of the company can not be run in accordance with the wishes of the expected . Therefore, in a company needs employees who are skilled , knowledgeable , experienced , and qualified to carry out the tasks assigned to him either . Types of observations made are descriptive which describes the reality of the state of recruitment by PT Gelora . Employee recruitment system at PT Gelora starting from application entry , employee selection consisting of a written test and interview , the determination of employees who pass the selection , calling , recruitment , training , and the last one is the placement of employees into divisions - divisions that need . When the system is implemented recruitment has gone well and is able to filter out candidates who are already qualified and expected requirements when it has started working in the company , its productivity is expected to increase , so does the company contribute to improving the welfare of the employees - employees . So that employees will have work productivity and high loyalty for the company . Keywords: employee recruitment, work productivity