
Penelitian Dosen

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Preliminary Research: Testing Talent Mapping Instrument for Top Secretary’s Career Development

  • Kategori : TURNITIN
  • Penulis : Selfiana
  • Identitas : Proceedings of the First International Conference of Science, Engineering and Technology, ICSET 2019, November 23 2019, Jakarta, Indonesia
  • Abstrak :

    T his study contributes to develop Donald Super’s and David C.McClelland’s concepts. Career development is mainly influenced by behavior style, or personality type, or a set of habits that support effective and superior performance. T he result of this study maps intrinsic competencies of top management’s secretaries. These findings can be used to increase their potentials and develop their careers. It could also functions as a benchmark by employers in looking for a secretary that is engaged to her role. A descriptive quantitative method is used in this study using a strength-based assessment tool called “talents mapping’. This assessment, classifies intrinsic strengths into four clusters namely influencing, relating, thinking and striving. T here were thirty respondents with more than 3 years experiences being their top management’s secretaries. The respondents showed that the dominant characteristics which excel within them are namely responsibility (53%), consistency (50%), developer (50%), includer (47%), and strategic (40%).
