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Similarity Turnitin: The Effect of Leadership, Motivation and Work Discipline on the Security Personnel Performance at Navy Headquarter

  • Kategori : TURNITIN
  • Penulis : Eddy Hermawan Hasudungan Panjaitan
  • Identitas : IJCRS : International Journal Creative Research and Studies, Vol. 5 No. 5 (Mei 2021), ISSN : 0249-4655
  • Abstrak :

    This study aims to determine the level of the effect between leadership, motivation and work discipline on the Security Personnel Performance at Navy Headquarter. The population in this study was officers with a population sample of 80 respondents, which was calculated based on Slovin theory. While the sampling technique was carried out by proportionally stratified random sampling method (Proportionate Stratified Random Sampling). The results of the analysis with linear regression and multiple linear regression to test the hypothesis at a significant level of 0.05 indicate that leadership, motivation and work discipline have an effect on personnel performance. Of the three independent variables that have the strongest effect on the Security Personnel Performance is leadership, in other words the better the leadership, the better the personnel performance.
