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DOKUMEN JURNAL The Quality Model Organizational Culture Assesment Instrument (OCAI)
- Kategori : Jurnal Internasional Bereputasi
- Penulis : Yuni Pratikno1), Maulana Arief Rachman Hakim2), Indi Nervilia3), Jujuk Kusumawati4), Wynd Rizaldy5), Munir Azhari6), Lindawati7), Eko Cahyo Mayndarto8)
- Identitas : Jurnal Information Technology in Industry, NO. ISSN = (Print):2204-0595, (Online):2203-1731, Vol. 9, No. 1, Bulan Maret Tahun 2021
- Abstrak :
Organisational culture is a system of shared beliefs and values in the organisation and directs its members behaviour. There are various factors of change that influence organisational culture; various things are done to anticipate changes in the shift from the present situation to the desired conditions in a sustainable change. On the one hand, change occurs because of external factors that encourage change; on the other hand, change is an internal need. Change can be interpreted as absolute and unavoidable because of the strong external impulse and internal needs.