
Penelitian Dosen

Penelitian atau Publikasi Karya Ilmiah Dosen

Modern Customs Risk Management Framework: Improvement towards Institutional Reform

  • Kategori : Jurnal Internasional
  • Penulis : Abdul Basir
  • Identitas : International Journal of Innovative Science and Research Technology, Volume 4, Issue 7, July – 2019, ISSN No:-2456-2165
  • Abstrak :

    Abstract:- Risk management is considered as a relatively new brain area in the practice of the customs service. However, in the context of customs administration, it is worth acknowledging that risk management plays a crucial role in coordinated activities to direct and control risk that help customs officials for addressing the problems of limited resources, increased trade volume, and the need for prompt clearance. In the context of compatibility, the application of risk management cannot be based on a one-size fit all model. Each customs administration has its own limitation of resources and a unique situation. This paper investigated the importance of risk management as a tool of trade facilitation and revenue collection. This study analyzed the successful experiences in area of risk management, as well as important international documents, recommended by World Customs Organization (WCO). This study shown the importance of risk management in the process of trade facilitation and customs control, was also studied the experience of a few developed countries, to trace the main shortcomings of the system of developing countries customs. Mulling over the practical side, this study demonstrated that in general, the level of reliability of customs control in several developing jurisdiction is significantly lower than in the developed counties as suggested by WCO. In summary, this paper highlighted the main features and shortcomings of customs risk management in developing countries and eventually came up with striking result of a set proposed frameworks to increase the efficiency of the risk management system for control and simplify customs procedures administration for companies.
